We are always excited to facilitate the beginning and furthering of ministry in the Illinois District of the United Pentecostal Church!
Seeing that the calling to preach the Gospel is one of the highest and most honorable callings on an individual, our organization has established a stringent process for licensure both at the National and District levels.
The Process
Read the entire Bible through
Read the entire UPCI manual through
Complete MinistryCentral training
Complete an online application
Attend the Illinois District Licensing Seminar and complete District testing
Registration links for this event are sent to pastors every January. You must obtain this link from your pastor.
Interview by the District Board.
Applications are to be submitted at least 60 days in advance of your requested meeting with the board. Refer to the District calendar for deadlines and District Board meeting dates.
The District Board interviews Local, General, and Ordination applicants in the Spring and Fall Sessions. Ordination candidates can meet the District Board in the Summer session as well.
The Cost
New Applicants At the time of application:
Local: $118.50 1st quarter National dues
General: $124.00 1st quarter National dues
$90.00 1st quarter District Ministerial dues
$25.00 Application fee
TOTAL: $233.50-$239.00
$25 Application fee
Recurring costs:
National Dues: (amounts below are quarterly, but can be paid monthly or annually.)
Local: $93.50
General $96.50
Ordination $99.50
District Ministerial dues:
Ministers whose income from the ministry is greater than $4800 annually